PFT G 5 c FU 230
Clearing Hose Blocks
Knauf PFT GmbH & Co. KG
09323 / 31-760
PO Box 60
09323 / 31-770
D-97343 Iphofen
In accordance with the safety regulations of the Builder’s Guild, all personnel clearing
hose blocks should wear safety goggles and should position themselves in such a way
as to avoid injury through discharged mortar.
- Switch off star wheel motor (2)
- Run pump motor briefly in reverse, to do so:
- cover outlet opening of pump tube with foil
- “Reverse run” (3) (water intake is automatically interrupted) until pressure at mortar
pressure gauge has fallen to 0 bar
- Loosen nut on pressure flange lightly so that entire residual pressure is released
- Release hose coupling and clean hose
To remove residual mortar from the mortar hose, see page 20 Cleaning the hose.
Measures to take in the case of power failure/no water supply
Check that all hoses are depressurized before opening the couplings (observe mortar
pressure gauge display)!
Measures to take in the case of power failure
The mortar hoses must be cleaned immediately. Cleaning can be done at the water
intake valve. To do so, connect the cleaner coupling (in the tool bag) to the mortar
hose first and then to the water intake valve. Force the mortar out by opening the water
valve and then clean using water-soaked sponge balls.
Loosen tie rod screws, remove pump, press rotor out of the stator and clean carefully.
Clean pressure flange or agitator (ROTOMIX or ROTOQUIRL). Clean the mixing area
and mixing shaft with water and spatula. Then assemble the pump and prepare for