Mixing pump G 4 X Super / G 4 X XL / Part 2 Overview, operation and service
Flowability / flow characteristics
The pump unit D 6–3 can be used up to 30 bar oper-
ating pressure.
The pump unit D 6–4 can be used up to 40 bar oper-
ating pressure.
The possible conveying distance depends mainly on
the flowability of the material.
If 30 or 40 bar operating pressure are exceeded the
mortar hose length has to be reduced.
To avoid machine breakdowns and excessive wear on
pump motor, mixing shaft and pump, always use orig-
inal PFT spare parts such as:
– PFT rotors
– PFT stators
– PFT mixing shaft
– PFT mortar hoses
These are compatible with each other and form a
constructive unit with the machine.
Non-compliance does not only cause loss of guar-
antee, but also bad mortar quality is to be expected.
Description of assemblies
The PFT G 4 X mixing pump consists of the main components
described in the following chapters.
Material hopper
Figure 11: Material hopper assembly
Hopper with frame and protective grille
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