Mixing pump RITMO L plus FC-230V Overview – Operation
Brief description of RITMO L plus
Fig. 42: Strainer with mesh filter
The end of the suction line (3) must be fitted with an inlet strainer
with filter screen and integral non-return valve.
An additional fine filter in the suction line is recommended.
The delivery of the pump decreases with increasing
suction line length. Connect the high pressure
pump as close as possible to the water supply
point (pressing is better than sucking).
When all these points have been observed, the pump can be
switched on. Depending on the length of the suction hose, priming
may take a few seconds. If the pump is still not delivering after
a short time, this may have one of the following causes:
There is still air in the pump and this has to be completely
vented again.
The suction line is not air-tight and the pump is drawing in air.
The suction-side screen is clogged.
The suction hose is kinked.
The maximum suction head is exceeded.
The pump must not be allowed to run dry in order
to avoid damage.
25 Brief description of RITMO L plus
Fig. 43: RITMO L plus
The compact mixing pump RITMO L plus with 230V AC drive,
specially developed for pumping, spraying and applying
machinable dry mortar, pastes and much more up to 2 /3 mm
grain size.
The pump output can be adjusted infinitely electronically,
depending on requirements.
The machine consists of portable single components of handy
dimensions and light weight that allow fast and convenient