Mixing pump RITMO L plus FC-230V Overview – Operation
1 EC Declaration of Conformity ......................... 6
2 Testing ............................................................... 7
2.1 Testing by machine operator ................... 7
2.2 Periodic inspection ................................... 7
3 General information ......................................... 7
3.1 Information regarding the operating
manual ................................................. 7
4 General information ......................................... 7
4.1 Information regarding the operating
manual ................................................. 7
4.2 Keep the manual for later use.................. 8
4.3 Layout ...................................................... 8
5 Spare part lists .................................................. 8
5.1 Accessories .............................................. 9
6 Technical data ................................................... 9
6.1 General specifications ............................. 9
6.2 Electrical data RITMO L plus ................. 10
6.3 Output values RITMO L plus B4-2wf ..... 10
6.4 Output values RITMO L plus SD6-3 ...... 10
6.5 Output values RITMO L plus SD6-3
soft ..................................................... 10
6.6 Compressor DT4.8 ................................ 11
6.7 Operating requirements ......................... 11
6.8 Connection values for water .................. 11
7 Sound power level .......................................... 11
8 Vibrations ........................................................ 11
9 EMC test .......................................................... 11
10 Dimensions ................................................... 12
11 Type plate ...................................................... 12
12 Quality control sticker.................................. 12
13 Structure RITMO L plus ............................... 13
13.1 Overview RITMO L plus ....................... 13
13.2 View from rear RITMO L plus .............. 14
14 Assembles RITMO L plus ............................. 14
14.1 Gear motor with material hopper and
pump unit............................................ 14
14.2 Gear motor ........................................... 14
14.3 Chassis with compressor and control
box ...................................................... 15
15 Description of assemblies ........................... 15
15.1 Overview of control box RITMO L plus 15
15.2 Overview of air compressor DT4.8
230V ................................................... 16
15.3 Overview of water manifold RITMO L
plus ..................................................... 16
16 Connections RITMO L plus .......................... 17
16.1 Connections for water, mortar hose
and air ................................................ 17
17 Operating modes ........................................... 17
17.1 Pump motor selector switch ................. 17
17.2 Water selector switch ........................... 17
17.3 Potentiometer ....................................... 17
18 Accessories for machine ............................. 18
18.1 Parts from accessories pack Item no.
00246445 ........................................... 20
19 Accessories ................................................... 20
20 Intended use of fitting block ........................ 21
20.1 Purpose of fitting block ......................... 21
20.2 Purpose of solenoid valve .................... 21
20.3 Purpose of flowmeter ........................... 21
21 Intended use of air compressor .................. 22
21.1 Purpose of air compressor ................... 22
21.2 Safety devices of air compressor ......... 23
21.3 General setup of the air compressor .... 23
21.4 Hot surface on the air compressor ....... 23
22 Description of the PFT pressure booster
pump (accessories) .................................... 24
22.1 Application area of pressure booster
pump .................................................. 24
22.2 Proper use of the machine ................... 24