Mixing pump RITMO L plus FC-230V Overview – Operation
50 Measures to be taken in the event of a
power failure ............................................... 45
50.1 Turning the main switch to position “0” 45
50.2 Discharging mortar pressure ............... 46
50.3 Switching on the machine again after
a power failure ................................... 46
51 Troubleshooting ........................................... 47
51.1 Dealing with malfunctions .................... 47
51.2 Fault displays ....................................... 47
51.3 Malfunctions ......................................... 47
51.4 Safety ................................................... 48
51.5 Table of malfunctions ........................... 48
52 Pumping stopped / blockage ...................... 50
52.1 Remedying hose blockages / Signs of
blockages ........................................... 50
52.2 Causes of clogged hoses: ................... 51
52.3 Pre-existing damage on mortar hose .. 51
53 Clearing hose blockages ............................. 51
53.1 Running pump motor briefly in
reverse ............................................... 51
53.2 Risk of injury to due overpressure ....... 52
53.3 Switching on the machine after
removing a blockage ......................... 53
54 End of shift / Cleaning.................................. 53
54.1 Switching off the energy supplies ........ 53
54.2 Cleaning RITMO .................................. 53
54.3 Checking the mortar pressure ............. 54
54.4 Cleaning the mortar hose .................... 54
54.5 Coupling the water hose ...................... 55
54.6 Clean mixing tube. ............................... 55
54.7 Inserting the mixing tube cleaner ......... 56
54.8 Cleaning the mixing tube RITMO......... 56
54.9 Placing the machine on its rear ........... 57
54.10 Cleaning the rubber mixing zone ....... 57
54.11 Inserting the mixing shaft ................... 58
54.12 Cleaning the material hopper ............. 58
55 Replacing the pump / Cleaning the pump .. 58
55.1 Placing the machine on its rear ............ 58
56 Switching off RITMO L plus ......................... 59
57 Measures to be taken if there is a risk of
frost .............................................................. 59
57.1 Blowing the water manifold dry ............ 60
57.2 Blowing the water manifold RITMO L
plus dry ............................................... 60
58 Maintenance .................................................. 61
58.1 Safety ................................................... 61
58.2 Removing the connection cable ........... 61
58.3 Environmental protection...................... 62
58.4 Maintenance plan ................................. 62
59 Maintenance tasks ........................................ 63
59.1 Dirt trap screen ..................................... 63
59.2 Pressure reducing valve ....................... 63
59.3 Checking the pressure switch .............. 64
59.4 Pressure switch on the compressor ..... 64
59.5 Cleaning the air compressor slide
control / air filter .................................. 64
59.6 After performing maintenance .............. 66
60 Disassembly .................................................. 67
60.1 Safety ................................................... 67
60.2 Disassembly ......................................... 68
61 Disposal ......................................................... 68
62 Index ............................................................... 69
63 Notes .............
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