Rinse inside mortar hose with water. Empty out all water from hose. Connect mortar hose to ROTOR STATOR
Add another bag of mortar mix to the dry bin. Turn on pump motor and run mortar mix through mortar hose.
When mortar comes out the end, stop pump. If mortar hose plugs up, no problem, just turn off pump motor,
connect purge hose to water tap on the RITMO L, Open water spout and push the purge hose into the end of the
mortar hose that the mortar has not come out of yet until you feel the problem area. Let the water rinse out the
dry-plugged mortar. When the plugged area is fixed (pressure in hose is 0) turn on pump motor again and finish
running mortar through hose. Turn off pump motor.
Connect end spraying nozzle.
Connect one end of air hose to air nozzle on RITMO XL. Connect the other end to
the spraying nozzle.
Make sure air on/off switch on spraying nozzle is off
. Plug in compressor
the RITMO XL if not already plugged in. If not using a spraying nozzle skip this and don’t connect compressor.
Compressor plug-in
Turn on compressor switch on the RITMO XL
Compressor on switch