Shutting down OMNI-Select
Your computer should be running at all times.
When your computer is not running, the OMNI-
Select services are not running. When the OMNI-Select services are not running, equipment
operates at its last settings, but OMNI-Select cannot collect information or update settings.
Do not use power management settings such as "sleep" or "hibernate" mode.
When your computer
is in these modes, OMNI-Select does not function properly.
If you have to shut down your computer,
start it again as soon as possible
Select™ Water windows
The following section is an overview of the main Select™ Water windows.
Communication Center
The Communication Center displays all communication, status, audit, and alarm messages from
OMNI-Select modules and devices. Check the Communication Center regularly to ensure systems
functioning normally and to see if there are problems or potential problems.
The Communication Center is the only area of OMNI-Select that is available to all users, regardless
of their access. The Communication Center is also the gateway to the Main window, where you can
access settings, configuration, and reports.