• It is recommended that the car seat should not
be used more than 5 years from the date of
production. The properties of the products may
deteriorate due to, for example, ageing of the
plastic and this may not be visible.
• The moving parts of the car seat should not be
lubricated in any way.
• The baby car seat must not be used without the
cover. Please use an original cover, as the cover
contributes to the safety of the seat.
• The seat must be secured with a seat belt or
ISOFIX and Top Tether, even when it not on use.
An unsecured seat may injure other passengers in
the car in an urgent stop.
• The rigid items and plastic parts of a child restraint
must be so located and installed that they are
not liable, during everyday use of the vehicle, to
become trapped by a movable seat or in a door
of the vehicle.
• Ensure that the seat is not damaged by the
webbing between or underneath heavy luggage,
adjustable seats or slamming the car door etc.
• No alterations may be made to the product as this
could affect part or the overall safety of the seat
• In hot weather the plastic and metal parts of the
product will be hot. You should cover the seat
when the car parked under the sun. In order to
prevent damage to the cover, do not remove the
product’s logo.
• Use the seat even in a short journey, as this is
when most accidents occur.
• Before the purchase, please check that the seat is
properly in your car.
• Take a regular breaks during long journeys so that
your child has the opportunity to move around
and stretch.
• Set a good example yourself by always wearing
your seat belt. Tell your child that he/she should
be never play with the belt buckle.
Contact your supplier or importer if you wish to make a
warranty claim or have any other questions.
Your car seat can be fixed safely on almost seats of
the cars. However, on some seats the belts are fixed
so that proper installation is not possible, in that case,
try another seat.