Preparing to Pump
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Preparing to Pump
You can use ISIS iQ UNO as a:
Handheld Electric Pump
Manual Pump
(to use the ISIS Manual Pump, see pages 15-17)
When using the pump for the first time, your ISIS iQ will have retained factory settings
stored in the memory as a result of quality control testing. If the blue One-Touch
Memory Control is pressed prior to squeezing the control handle upon first use the
pump will operate at these settings, which may or may not be comfortable for you.
We recommend that prior to engaging the automatic mode, you establish
a comfortable rhythm manually, then press the blue One-Touch Memory Control
to continue your preferred rhythm.
If you find that you are not expressing a lot of milk the first few times you pump,
don’t be discouraged. Learning to express milk, like breastfeeding, takes practice.
Here are some tips that might make pumping easier:
1. Choose a time when you’re not rushed
and won’t be interrupted.
2. Look at a photograph of your baby to help
encourage let-down.
3. Place a warm cloth on your breasts for a few minutes
before you start pumping. This encourages milk
flow and can soothe painful breasts.
4. Warmth and relaxation can encourage milk
flow. Try expressing after a bath or shower.
5. Try expressing from one breast while your baby
is feeding on the other, or continue expressing
just after a feed.
6. Reposition the pump on your breasts from time
to time. This can stimulate your milk ducts.
How quickly will the milk flow begin?
When pumping with the ISIS iQ UNO, your milk should begin to flow after a
few compressions. If your milk does not begin to flow immediately, relax and
continue pumping.
Stop, and try expressing milk at another time of day. If the process becomes
painful, stop and consult your lactation consultant or breastfeeding advisor.
How much milk can you expect?
On average you will need to pump for 10 minutes to express 60-120 mls
or 2-4 ounces of milk. However, this is just a guide and varies from woman
to woman. If you find that you regularly express more than 4 ounces of milk
per session, attach a 9 oz/260 ml AVENT reusable base to the pump body.
Handheld Battery-Powered Pump