5.13. About
Main info in About:
(1) System updates
(2) Android version
(3) Kernel version
(4) Build number
5.13.1. System updates
Will automatically search update.zip in USB.
Will be shown in list for user selection if found
(1) Only support Android Full image.
(2) file name should be update.zip.
(3) the file should be located in root of storage.
After select update.zip file, PD will restart and start to update.
5.14. Supplementary
5.14.1. Quick Info
You can press “Info + 77” to startup quick info.
Quick info will show “Network” and “Monitor Information”, as below:
Operation hours : It is updated every minute.
Heat status : It is updated every 5 seconds.
5.14.2. How to custom an Android boot
1. Overview
The Android boot animation is used script to load PNG files when
the device boots. It is contained within an
zip file called
2. Inside the bootanimation.zip file
The bootanimation.zip as follow:
• The image folder (Contains PNG images named in incremental
• The desc.txt file
(1) The image folder
These contain PNG images named in numbers, starting from
something like 0000.png or 0001.png and proceeding with
increments of 1. There has to be at least one folder and there is no
known upper limit to the number of folders.
(2) The desc.txt file
This file defines how the images in the folder(s) are displayed during
the boot animation, in the following format:
Width Height Frame-rate
mode Loop delay-time Folder1
mode Loop delay-time Folder2
An example of a desc.txt file is:
1920 1080 30
p 1 0 part0
p 0 0 part1
a. The first line
1920 and 1080 define the width and height of the screen
30 is the frame rate in fps (frames per second) i.e. number of
images to display per second.
b. The second and third lines have a same format.