Configuring the Wireless ADSL Modem Routerr
Traffic Mapping:
Traffic Mapping allows you to describe up to 16 rules to classify traffic
into forwarding groups. You must specify the traffic type, the forwarding
method and the outgoing virtual connection (VC) that this traffic will be
routed to.
Traffic Statistics:
The Traffic Statistic screen displays the outbound traffic statistics for all
forwarding methods over a 12 hour period.
DDNS (Dynamic DNS) settings
DDNS text "Domain Name" is a series of alphanumeric strings
separated by periods that maps to the address of a network connection
and identifies the owner of the address.
Dynamic DNS provides users on the Internet with a method to tie their
domain name to a computer or server. DDNS allows your domain
name to follow your IP address automatically by having your DNS
records changed when your IP address changes.
The Server Configuration section automatically opens the TCP port
options checked in the Virtual Server section. Simply enter in the IP
Address of your server, such as a web server, and then click on the port
option HTTP Port 80 so users can access your web server from the
Internet connection.
This DNS feature is powered by a DDNS service provider. With a
DDNS connection you can host your own web site, email server, FTP
site, and more at your own location even if you have a dynamic IP
address. (Default: Disable)
4.10 Routing
These pages define routing related parameters, including static routes
and RIP (Routing Information Protocol) parameters.
Static route:
1- Click "Add" to add a new static route to the list
2- Click "Save Settings" to save the configuration.
RIP parameters:
RIP sends routing-update messages at regular intervals and when the
network topology changes. When a router receives a routing update
that includes changes to an entry, it updates its routing table to reflect
the new route. RIP routers maintain only the best route to a destination.
After updating its routing table, the router immediately begins
transmitting routing updates to inform other network routers of the