Mobile Phone
Up to 1 month standby time
The phone can be on and in standby mode
continuously for up to 1 month on a single
Dual SIM
Organize your life better and keep your
contacts separate by using 2 different phone
numbers. With Dual SIM, you don't need to
carry 2 phones around.
Big buttons and fonts
Your Philips mobile phone features large
buttons with big printed fonts for dialing or
texting by those with less dexterous fingers.
And thanks to its big display fonts, you can now
read the text on your screen comfortably
without straining your eyes.
Emergency call button
Your Philips mobile phone is designed with a
dedicated SOS button to give you and your
loved ones peace of mind about your wellbeing
in their absence. It allows you to identify a
maximum of three different numbers where
you can get immediate help when emergencies
occur, whether within or outside your home.
When you activate the SOS button, the phone
will automatically connect to these numbers
until your call gets answered by any one of the
parties. This life-saving design means that you
can retain your independence while
maintaining easy access to immediate
assistance in case you need help.
Single button for flashlight
If you do not like being left in the dark, the
flashlight button feature on your mobile phone
is perfect for you. Your Philips phone is
transformed into a handy compact flashlight
even when the phone is turned off, just by
hitting the dedicated switch. Keep it right by
your side at all times, and you'll never have to
grope your way around in the dark again.
Digital text magnifier
Turn your phone into a convenient magnifying
glass whenever you're caught out by tiny print.
Hover the display screen of your phone above
the selected text, whether it's a restaurant
menu, a service brochure or even your daily
newspaper and the digital text magnifier will
blow it up to a large easy-to-read format.
High volume speaker
With a high volume speaker, your phone can
be set to emit a louder-than-normal ringtone if
necessary. You will not have to worry about
missing important calls, especially over ambient
sounds at home or loud competing noises on
the go. You can also opt to enjoy your favorite
FM radio programs and music over a greater
volume when it suits you.
Play FM radio out loud
The inbuilt antenna and speaker function on
your Philips mobile phone means that you do
not always have to plug in your earphones
when you want to listen to the radio. Now you
can enjoy your favorite radio stations out loud
or in your ears, depending on your mood or