city beautification luminaire
At night, Metronomis is functional in two ways -
guiding traffic safely through the city while creating
a pleasant ambience in city squares and pedestrian
precincts. It succeeds in combining visual diversity
with a coherent family design, gracing both modern
and historical architectural environments.
Metronomis for residential areas
Lighting involves illuminating the surroundings with
the aim to accentuate the beauty of the residential
areas and parks. During the day the rows of lighting
columns help set the pattern of the residential
area. The correct height and suitable lighting spread
creates a place where one can feel safe to wonder
through the pavements and streets in the night. In
residential quarters, the Metronomis louver hides
the light source from view keeping light intrusion
to a minimum. The Metronomis range comes in a
controlled variety of designs, materials, colors
and light sources bringing a degree of unity and
appeal to the residential area both in the day
and in the night.
Metronomis for city squares, parks and gardens
The essential aim of lighting is to accentuate the beauty of the
scene without creating large, excessive dark areas. Lighting of
a park or garden involves the illumination of trees, shrubs,
flowerbeds and paths. Square lighting entails highlighting the
modern architectural features along with flora and fauna.
The Metronomis diffuser spreads and softens the lamplight, creating
an effective and appealing nightscape. It also offers a choice of
elegant highly functional optical elements as well as a range of
dedicated columns and brackets, providing architects and lighting
designers with an infinite variety of design and lighting effects.
Outdoor architecture can only be fully appreciated with
a good balance between the aesthetical and functional needs
of a city. The Philips Metronomis range of products is
dedicated to such needs. It is elegantly designed to integrate
harmoniously into any street scene during the day.