Factory Line - Wireless LAN
For Wi-Fi Protected Access with pre-shared key. WPA runs either in "Enterprise" mode
where the authentication server checks the identity of the user or in PSK mode
(pre-shared key). PSK operates with a pre-shared key in the form of a passphrase,
which the devices use to determine an individual session key. Encryption with WPA can
be set in the following section. Select the desired encryption method: "TKIP only",
"CCMP/AES only" or "All". If "All" is selected, the devices communicate via the
encryption algorithm.
WEP 64/128 bits
In WEP, as for WPA, a keyword is used, which controls access to the WLAN. The difference
between this and WPA is that the key in WEP is not changed, but remains static.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy) security mechanisms with 64 bits/128 bits are standard
encryption methods, however they have now been completely compromised. The primary
objective of WEP is to provide protection against unauthorized data tapping. In addition,
symmetrical keys of various lengths are used. Encryption with WEP can be set in the
following section.
WEP key in HEX format: Numbers from 0 to 9, letters from A to F
64 bits: 10 characters
128 bits: 26 characters
The WEP key is limited to five characters for ASCII. HEX enables the entry of a
10-character WEP key. Words should not be selected, instead combinations of letters
and numbers should be used.
The network security depends on the complexity of the key. Do not use passwords that
are easy to guess.