Gateway/Ethernet Terminal Radio
Enabling this feature allows data on the Ethernet port of the master radio to be redirected to
the serial port(s) of the slave radios.
In the “Ethernet Terminal Port Parameters” field, enter a TCP port number. Only the data
that uses this TCP port is forwarded through the serial ports. From the “Protocol type” drop-
down menu, select either
Figure 4-16
“Ethernet Ports Configuration” screen
From the “Connect to Stream” drop-down menu, select channel
. The Ethernet
terminal port channel selected must be different from the one used for the Modbus/TCP
serial channel selected; they cannot use the same serial channel.
In a broadcast configuration, the same master radio serial channel must be used as the
slave radio’s serial channel in order to transmit data through the TCP ports.
The same serial channel must be selected when configuring the RS-232 or RS-422/485
port(s) on the remote radio(s). When finished, click the “Submit” button.
Modbus/TCP Gateway
Enabling this feature allows the radios to emulate a Modbus TCP to Modbus RTU converter.
Modbus TCP data packets are converted to Modbus RTU packets and redirected out the
radio’s serial port(s).
Serial Ports
Data can be transferred between the serial port of a master radio and the serial port of a
slave radio.
There are two independent serial channels (1 and 2) that allow use of the two physical serial
ports on each radio (RS-232 and a RS-422/485 port). The serial port function varies
depending on the radio mode of operation. Serial data transmitted from a slave radio’s serial
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