ET the servos in place on the mounts.
Trim a pair of servo arms so that only one
arm remains. Attach a clevis to each servo
arm. Hook up the servos to the radio, and
center the trims. Install the servo arms and
Hold the elevator and rudder at neutral posi-
tion with tape. Trim the front of the balsa
pushrods off
" in back of the clevises.
Remove the elevator and rudder control
horns and slide the pushrods out the back of
the boom. Remove the clevises.
Thread the clevises onto the short 2-56
threaded rods. There should be about
" of
threads visible inside the clevis. Attach the
threaded rod to the bottom of the pushrods with CA. Leave
" between the back of the clevis and the end of the balsa as
shown. Wrap the joint with thread and saturate with glue.
Reinstall the pushrods and horns.
Check the control throws, and move the clevis on the servo
arm as required. Trim off any excess servo arm. Position the
servos so the arms are as close to the center as possible, and
install the servo mount screws that came with your servos.
OUNT the wing to the fuselage. Check
the roll axis alignment of stabilizer and
the wing. Sand the top of the boom until the
tail is level. Glue the tail in place. Make sure
the elevator hinge line is perpendicular to
the boom centerline.
The vertical tail is mounted flush with the
side of the tail boom,
not on the centerline.
This allows us to have a very strong attach-
ment of the tail. The aft end of the F-1 tail-
boom side will have to be trimmed as shown
on the plans. Note the
" clearance between
the elevator joiner and the V-3 tailpost. You
will have to trim away some of the lower
square stringer until the outer surface of the
tailpost is flush with the side of the tailboom.
Carefully draw a centerline on the top of the horizontal tail.
Glue the vertical tail in place. You should have a good bond to
the side of the boom, the lower stringer, and the horizontal
tail. Check that the tail is vertical and parallel to the center-
line. Note that the tail is
parallel to the side of the boom!
Trim the bottom of the tailpost flush with the boom.
Install the rudder horn and pushrod as shown. Make sure the
pushrods do not bind.
Align horizontal tail
Glue horizontal tail
Align vertical tail
Glue vertical tail
Attach rudder linkage
Page 26
Final Assembly
Attach tail surfaces
Trim pushrods to length
Attach clevises
Check control throws
Mount servos
Install servos