Fitting Guide
MLxi and MLxi Baha
10-03/visu’l © Phonak AG/All rights reserved/page 5/1
Associated hearing instrument
You can select the hearing instrument on which the MLxi will be used.
This selection has no influence on the setting unless you select a cochlear
implant model. In all other cases the “AutoConnect” feature corrects
for any impedance mismatch. When the MLxi is used on a cochlear
implant speech processor, it is strongly recommended to select the
specific speech processor from the drop-down list (also refer to page 6).
Beep type
MLxi/MLxi Baha plays a confirmation beep at start up or when the
system synchronizes with a transmitter. You can change the type of
beep tone using the drop-down menu.
Startup channel
There are two choices:
a) “Default”: At every startup, the MLxi/MLxi Baha is ready to receive
the signal on the
default channel
chosen in the “Select channels”
section of FM SucccessWare. Phonak recommends using this option
if your client has his own transmitter which always operates on the
same channel. Select as default channel in the MLxi/MLxi Baha the
same channel the transmitter transmits on.
b) “Last used”: At startup, the MLxi/MLxi Baha will receive the signal
on the channel to which it was last synchronized (the same channel
MLxi/MLxi Baha was using before switch off). Phonak recommends
using this option if the client receives the signal on different channels
during the day (e.g. in school).
Push button
The push button of MLxi/MLxi Baha is by default disabled. If you enable
the push button, it will have different functions depending on whether
the hearing instrument is DPAI Yes or DPAI No. For all types of
hearing instruments, pressing the button for two seconds switches the
MLxi/MLxi Baha on or off respectively.
the hearing instrument is DPAI No and
the push button is enabled and
the MLxi/MLxi Baha is switched on and
a Classic FM transmitter is used, a short press on the push button will
toggle between “FM+M” and “FM only”. For both “FM+M” and “FM only”
a beep may be audible. The beep is the same for “FM+M” and ‘FM only”.
With push button enabled the MLxi/MLxi Baha will be in off
mode by default. The MLxi/MLxi Baha must be switched on,
by pressing for two seconds on the push button, after it has
been disconnected from the hearing instrument or the hearing
instrument was switched off.
Personal preference
The MLxi/MLxi Baha comes with a personal preference of 0 dB, which
corresponds to a 10 dB FM Advantage when connected to a hearing
instrument. The 10 dB FM Advantage is automatically checked/ adjusted
every time MLxi starts. Usually, the 10 dB FM Advantage is well
accepted by clients. However it is possible to reduce or increase the
personal preference of the FM Advatage on MLxi/MLxi Baha. The
range for this change is 8 dB louder or softer respectively and can be
adjusted in 2 dB steps.
For MLxi Baha it is possible to adjust the gain for “FM+M” and
“FM only” separately.
4.3 Fitting MLxi/MLxi Baha using inspiro
With Dynamic FM
it is possible to change some MLxi/MLxi Baha
settings. Please select “Receiver options” in the
Push button activation/deactivation – use the function “lock push button”
Change of personal preference – use the function “Set FM volume”
Activation/Deactivation of the beep tone – use the function “Set beep tone”
The menu “receiver options” can only be accessed in the extended
mode of the
5. Additional fitting information
Toggling between “FM+M” and “FM only” when
MLxi/MLxi Baha is used in combination with a
Classic FM transmitter
MLxi/MLxi Baha does not have a switch to select between “Off”, “FM
only” and “FM+M”. The customer does not need such a switch when a
Dynamic FM transmitter (
, DynaMic, Sm, Z or
E) is used.
However, MLxi can also be used with the following Classic FM transmitters:
Campus SX, EasyLink, ZoomLink, SmartLink and Classic FM
these combinations, there is no Adaptive FM Advantage feature, which
automatically adjusts the FM Advantage in noisy environments, and
no Voice Activity Detection, which automatically reduces the FM level
when no voice is present at the transmitter microphone.
In those cases the user needs to have the chance to select between
“Off”, “FM only” and “FM+M”, as with a Classic FM receiver. For DPAI
Yes hearing instruments this selection takes place by toggling between
different HI programs such as “no FM”, “FM only” and “FM+M”. For
DPAI No hearing instruments this selection takes place on the receiver.
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15.4.2010 13:37:52 Uhr