in seconds is incremented and displayed. The range of values is from
0.25 seconds to 5.00 seconds. After displaying the value, the unit
defaults back to normal operation.
Zero Offset
The zero offset feature can be activated by pressing the recessed
button. This will have the effect of defining the current position as
X=0.000 and Y=0.000. All subsequent measurements will be relative
to the new zero. The indicator light above the button will be activated
when this feature is in use.
Display Brightness
The OT-7000 CPU has three selectable levels of display brightness
and one off condition. The display intensity can be increased or
decreased (conserving battery power).
Gain Control
The OT-7000 CPU has automatic gain control. The system will
automatically select the optimum internal gain for laser sources with
peak output power between 0.3mW and 2mW. There are four gain
levels numbered 1 through 4. When the OT-7000 is powered up, the