3 Product Description
P-545 Nanopositioners
Version: 1.1.0
Product number
Coverslip holder with opening for coverslips 25 mm × 25 mm, suitable for
Universal holding plate for accessories, suitable for PInano® piezo stages
You can find a complete overview of the accessories in our "Microscope Stage Configurator"
(https://www.physikinstrumente.com/stage-configurator) brochure.
To order, contact our customer service department (p. 35).
Technical Features
PICMA® Piezo Actuators
P-545 positioners are driven by PICMA® piezo actuators. PICMA® actuators have all-ceramic
insulation and their performance and lifetime are therefore far superior to conventional
actuators. The ceramic insulation layer protects the monolithic piezoceramic block against
humidity and failure due to increased leakage current. In this way, an especially high reliability
is achieved even under extreme ambient conditions. In contrast to motorized drives, there are
no rotating parts or friction. The piezo actuators are therefore free of backlash, maintenance,
and wear.
Flexure Guides
P-545 positioners have flexure guides for friction-free motion and high guiding accuracy.
A flexure guide is an element that is free of static and sliding friction. It is based on the elastic
deformation (bending) of a solid (e.g., steel) and does not have any rolling or sliding parts.
Flexure elements have a high stiffness and load capacity. Flexure guides are maintenance and
wear free. They are 100 % vacuum compatible, function in a wide temperature range and do
not require any lubricants.
Position Sensors
For closed-loop operation, the P-545 is equipped either with capacitive sensors or piezoresistive
strain sensors, depending on the model (p. 9).
Capacitive sensors
Capacitive sensors measure the position directly on the platform (direct metrology) and work
without contact. Neither friction nor hysteresis interferes with the motion, which allows
excellent linearity values to be achieved together with the high position resolution. In
conjunction with suitable electronics, capacitive sensors achieve the best resolution, stability,
and bandwidth.