4 Unpacking
Q-522 Miniature Stage
Version: 1.0.1
Electrostatic hazard
The Q-522.x40 models (sensor present; not suitable for use in a vacuum) have a
Sub-D 15 (m) connector for connection to the electronics.
Touching the pins of the connector can damage electrostatic- (also: ESD-) sensitive
components of the Q-522. For this reason, the Q-522.x40 models are equipped with
an ESD protective cap on the connector at the time of delivery.
Remove the ESD protective cap from the connector only when you connect the
Q-522 to the controller.
When handling the vacuum version of the stage, attention must be paid to
appropriate cleanliness. At PI, all parts are cleaned before assembly. During
assembly and measurement, powder-free gloves are worn. Afterwards, the stage is
cleaned once again by wiping and shrink-wrapped twice in vacuum-compatible film.
Only touch the stage with powder-free gloves.
If necessary, wipe the stage clean after unpacking.
1. Unpack the Q-522 with care.
2. If present, do
remove the ESD protective cap from the connector of the
3. Compare the contents against the items covered by the contract and against
the packing list.
4. Inspect the contents for signs of damage. If there is any sign of damage or
missing parts, contact PI immediately.
5. Keep all packaging materials and the ESD protective cap in case the product
needs to be returned.