Do not wash the device PierenPlus basic with water. Do not clean it
with gas, diluter, or other solvents. Please take care that no liquid enters the device.
If, however, liquid did enter the device, it must undergo a technical check before
being reused.
Possible Cause
Suggestion to Solution
The device cannot
be switched ON.
The batteries are not or not
correctly inserted
The batteries are weak or empty
Insert new batteries in the right direction
Insert new batteries or accumulators
The intensity can-
not be set above
4 mA.
One or both electrodes are not or
not correctly placed on the skin
The cables are not correctly
connected to the device or to the
Check for correct connection of the
cables and electrodes on the skin
Connect the parts correctly
Check all cables
The device
switches OFF
One or both electrodes are not in
place or fell off the skin
Check the correct placing of the elec-
The stimulation is
not felt, or the sti-
mulation feeling is
not sufficient
The electrodes are not put cor-
rectly onto the skin
The electrodes are put too close
to each other on the skin
The set intensity is not high
The batteries are too weak
Check the electrodes for correct placing
Place the electrodes so that contact
between them is avoided minimum 2 cm
Raise the intensity with the [
] keys, until
the stimulation is well felt, but not painful
or causing discomfort
Insert new batteries or accumulators