To cancel the load process at any time, hit the Stop footswitch, or
simply turn the preset knob to return to the currently loaded preset.
To Save a preset you have created, push and hold the preset knob
for 2 seconds, until the digit begins flashing. Turn the preset knob to
select the bank you want to save the loops in and then push down and
hold the preset knob for 2 seconds to finalize the save. To cancel the
save process at any time, hit the Stop footswitch.
Preset 0 does not store any loops, it is the blank canvas. If you try to
save a loop to Preset 0, the digit will show you a “-” symbol, indicating
that you should save this audio somewhere else by turning the encoder
to select a different preset slot. Settings for Preset 0 can be changed
using the Pigtronix Infinity Application.
The decimal point will illuminate to indicate that audio is present in
a Loop bank. When changes have been made but not saved, the
decimal point will blink. If you want to keep your changes, simply
follow the save process explained above without changing the selected
bank. When the changes are saved, the decimal point will stay on.
To copy a preset from one bank to another simply initiate the save
process as explained above on a bank that already contains audio.
Being able to copy presets allows you to create different versions of
loops with the same starting point. It also facilitates the reorganization
of preset locations (you can move presets, for example, by copying a
preset to the location you want to move it to, then deleting the original