PSEN op2H-A series
7.1 Restart function
If the beams detect an opaque object, the OSSD output switching elements will switch (i.e.
the safety contacts will open, SAFETY conditions). The restart function enables the user to
define how the light curtain returns from the safe state to normal operation.
There are two ways to restart the light curtain (i.e. close the OSSD safety contacts –
SAFETY condition): automatic or manual restart.
Automatic restart:
If an opaque object is detected, the light curtain switches to a SAFE
CONDITION. If the object is then removed from the protected field, the light curtain will
resume its normal operation.
The response time is the time that elapses between the object being introduced to the
protected field and the OSSD achieving the OFF state (SAFETY); the reset time is the time it
takes for the OSSD to switch to the ON state (SAFETY) after all the objects have been
All these times are functions that are dependent on length, as illustrated below.
Fig. 30 – Restart timings (auto)
In automatic restart mode, the RESET/RESTART/ALIGN input (Pin 3 of the 12-pin M12
connector – RX-side) must not be activated.
Fig. 31 – Restart connection (auto)