2022/07/05 14:37 (UTC)
Installing Slackware on the RockPro64
SlackDocs - https://docs.slackware.com/
Contributing to the Slackware ARM project
There are a plethora of ARM devices on the market which requires initial R&D and continuous testing.
If you'd like to help Slackware support more ARM boards, please check out
explaining how to get involved.
Using the Serial/UART adapter
This documentation discusses using the RockPro64 without the UART/Serial console.
If you'd like to use one, there are two that have been tested.
USB Serial Device converter: Prolific Technology Inc / PL2303
This image below shows the PL2302 (the Serial adapter listed in the Hardware table at the head of
this document) connected to the RockPro64:
USB Serial Device converter: FTDI / FT232RL