Michelle Shocked — Black Widow
The song and artist information is provided by each Internet radio station. Therefore, it
may not be available for every station, or it may look slightly different.
Browsing Internet Radio Stations
You can also use your remote control to browse radio stations by Name, Genre, Language, and
Location. (There are about 100 pre-selected stations shipping in SoundBridge Radio now, and
this number is expected to increase in future software releases.)
To navigate to the “Internet Radio” Library using your remote control, follow these steps:
1. Press
Home Menu
] button on your remote. Navigate down to ”Change Library or
Configuration” and press
Select [
2. Your available music libraries will be displayed, including the one named “Internet Radio.”
Select that library and you will see a list of Internet radio stations. These are your Presets,
and they are pre-loaded when your SoundBridge Radio is first set up. See below for more
information on how to edit these Presets.
3. Press
Home Menu[ ]
button to access your browsing options.
You will see the following options:
My Favorites
Play Preset
Show Now Playing
Select “Browse” and select the method of browsing that you prefer:
Browse Names
Browse Genres
Browse Locations (by country of origin)
Browse Languages
Section 3:
Playing Internet Radio