Over-extension Prevention Structure of the Tray
In standby mode the stoppers are maintained in a neutral
position by the upper and lower springs. When the tray is
being dispensed the stoppers are pushed apart by their
tapers. In this condition, even if an impact force is applied
and the tray is pushed outward, the tray does not actually
get dispensed due to the straight section of the stopper.
Further, since force F2 of the lower spring is set smaller that
force F1 of the upper spring(F1>F2) while the stoppers are
being pushed apart, the dispensed tray is being pushed
downward at all times(F=F1-F2), preventing vertical rattling
of the tray due to vibrations.
Magazine Ejection
When the lever is driven beyond the lowest position of the
elevation the bent section of the rear lever pushes on the
boss of the lock arm, releasing the lock. The magazine is
ejected by the EJECT lever.
Fig. 35
Fig. 36