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Aircraft Assembly Manual

Three people again are needed to disassemble the 


First block all three wheels for the fuselage to stay 

in position. Empty both fuel tanks by opening both 

fuel valves inside the cockpit and the drain valve 

beneath the bottom of the firewall. Place a canister 

under the drain valve to collect fuel.

While you wait for the tanks to empty, disassemble 

the horizontal tail surfaces, disconnect all electrical 

cables and pitot-static lines. Don’t forget to unscrew 

the pitot tube on the bottom side of the right wing. 

Then, inside the cockpit, unscrew the middle main 

spar bolt first, then unscrew and remove both spar 

pin locking bolts.


Do not remove spar pins yet!

Once the fuel tanks are empty, disconnect the fuel 

hoses inside the cockpit. 

Make sure you tape the end attached to the wing 

not to spill any eventual leftover fuel over the fuse-

lage or glass surfaces as substantial damage may 


Two people must now lift the wingtips (one wing-

tip each) and the person in the cockpit remove the 

main spar pins, one by one, smoothly. 

Forcing pins out of their position may result in struc-

tural damage, therefore the wingtip holders must 

hold the wing precisely at certain height!

Using slight circular movement at the wingtip, the 

wing-halfs must now be pulled out slowly one at a 

time. On pulling, each wing must be held by two, 

one at the wingtip and one near the spar.

When the wings have been pulled out, place them 

onto a soft surface to prevent damage or store the 

wings in dedicated wing racks.

Schematic of wing (dis)assembly

Disassembling the wings
