User’s Manual of IMG-120T
3.5 PLANET Modbus Gateway Utility
For easily listing and manage the Industrial Modbus Gateway in your Ethernet environment, the Planet Modbus
Gateway Utility is an ideal solution. The following installation instructions are to guide you to installing and
running the Planet Modbus Gateway Utility.
3.5.1 Installing PLANET Modbus Gateway Utility
The following install instructions guide you to the installations of the Planet Modbus Gateway Utility.
1. Insert the attached user’s manual CD in the CD-ROM Drive.
2. Find the PLANET Modbus Gateway Utility_v1.0.exe from the CD-ROM as the icon is shown below:
3. Press the PLANET Modbus Gateway Utility_v1.0.exe and follow the on-screen instructions to install the utility.
The install procedures in the following screens appear.
Figure 3-11:
Planet Modbus Gateway Utility Install Process Screen