User’s Manual of IMG-120T
In a single frame, the time difference is between a single character and the
next character. When the value is 0, the default is 3.5T time, which is equal to
3.5 characters. The available range is
Inter-frame Delay
The current RTU response with the next RTU request is between the time
intervals. The default is 0ms. This feature is to avoid the RTU request from the
station equipment. Set the time interval to facilitate the RTU from the station
equipment that has adequate time to handle the request. The available range
: Click to apply changes.
4.5.2 Slave ID
The Modbus protocol provides a unique ID number (1 ~ 247) to all of the slave devices. The ID number is used to
identify the address of the slave device to respond to requests from the master device. The Modbus equipment ID
number is set by the manufacturers. Most of them can be modified. It is an actual ID number.
Virtual ID is used to specify the ID Modbus of each connected gateway. When the Modbus master device
accesses the virtual ID, the gateway device converts the virtual ID address into the actual ID address. When the
Modbus slave device responds to the master device, the gateway device will convert the actual ID address to the
virtual ID address. For the Modbus master, it only needs to access the "virtual" ID. The conversion between the
virtual ID and the actual ID is called ID mapping. The Gateway device achieves the function of ID mapping by