PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
action in the status pane. Tick the checkbox at the bottom to log the status message to the
alarm log file, which will be saved to the folder Alarm_Log at the install directory.
Scan IP Address
The Scan IP Address is the IP Address that the scanning process uses when initiate a scan
for a SNMP Map.
User might enter the IP Address at the drop down list, or choose from the list. In order to
n the other hand, the Scan IP can also be set by selecting
Settings > Scan IP
from the map
apply the new Scan IP, user is required to restart the network scanning. (A running scan will
be stopped when a new IP Address is selected.)
container’s toolbar. A window would appear to prompt user for the new IP Address. Hit the
button to apply the change.
SNMP Community / Passwords (for Scan-IP)
The PLANET Mesh Network Management Tools use the SNMP method to read the topology
of the network. There are two types of SNMP key used for the topology scan, which are the
Scan-IP key and the AP Unit key. More details about the latter please click
Commonly, the use of SNMP varies by its version. If a user select version 2c, the SNMP key
to use is a community; on the other hand, if version 3 is used, the SNMP key will be a
SNMPv3 username, with its corresponding authentication password and privacy pass phrase.
As you can see throughout this document, every feature that implements SNMP will have
both options (use version 2c or 3).
PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
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