PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
Send only MPR Selectors
Send only MPR Selectors and MPRs
Send all neighbours
13) MPR
This field specifies how many MPRs a node should try select to reach every
2hop neighbour
Data type: Integer, default value is 1
14) Shared Key
The secret shared key.
User must re-enter the same password at the Confirm field to set this field
Data type: Display String
Unless you are familiar with the setting, otherwise we would suggest to
keep the value unchanged, or press Reset to set back to default. These
settings should fit for the most application. Services > NTP
The NTP service implements the Network Time Protocol to the Mesh APs to synchronize the
system time to some time reference. The NTP Table in this page lists the NTP server that is
used by the device.
PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
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