This read-only field shows the IP Address of the current MAP-2105.
SNMP Version
The Version of SNMP using to read and write data from/to the node. Two options are
available: 1 or 2C and 3.
The community of the SNMP. If the Version 1 or 2C is selected as the SNMP Version,
this field is required.
User Name
The admin user name that given permission to perform the SNMP action.
The authentication password. The default authentication method used is MD5.
Pass Phrase
The privacy pass phrase that must be more than 8 characters
4.3.2 Status > System
This submenu is basically a read-only page, provides user a brief summary regarding the MAP-
2105. In order to configure the fields in this frame please refer to
Configuring System Settings
the coming section.
The parameters at the System page:
Node Name
A name for the MAP-2105.
Node Location
A location description of the MAP-2105.