Page 4
Various operating pressures may be assessed by comparing resultant flotation
performance, observing;
Milkiness/Whitewater of the float
Float cohesion/stability
Subnatant turbidity
DO NOT open the water fill valve when the Saturator is pressurised
8) Once the pressure gauge is displaying a static reading, open the air bleed valve to
commence saturation.
Caution: do not open the bleed valve to the extent bleed air volumes exceed the
compressed air supply capacity resulting in loss of saturator pressure.
Open the air bleed valve one to two turns (from closed) then further open as required to
hasten the saturation process.
On opening the air bleed valve - air is diffused (at the base), then percolate through the
saturator contents.
Some diffused air transfers into solution.
Excess air vents through the bleed valve to the fill funnel.
Air diffusion should continue for approximately 90-120 seconds to achieve full saturation.
This period may need to be extended when the Saturator is operated at lower pressures.
The Saturator is ready to commence a DAF jar test subject to 4.2.
4.2 Saturator outlet/distribution system preparation, priming and air purging
To minimise the volume of unsaturated water and large bubbles of air entering the jars at a DAF
test start, firstly, prepare the system
a coagulation/flocculation Jar Testing is underway:
Cut manifold to Jars and Saturator outlet tubing to minimum lengths - to suit individual test
bench arrangement circumstances;
Reconnect the distribution system with manifold outlet valves shut;
Half fill Jars with tap water;
Prepare the Saturator per 4.1 above;
Purge each Jar inlet system by opening the manifold outlet valves enough to admit white
water to the Jars, close the manifold outlet valves after each purge;
Close the Saturator outlet valve; – capture saturated water between the Saturator and the
Top-up/refill the saturator with clean/filtered water - proceed per 4.1 above.
Empty the Jars.