Automist Smartscan
Handbook v1.2.3
Plumis Ltd Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.
Page 14 of 64
Scope of Obstruction
Risk Mitigation
Spray head
at front of
or in line
with the
front of a
Access to the cupboard is
required, therefore
although a chair may be
placed nearby, the
cupboard is highly
unlikely to be obstructed
at a height of 1.25m.
The spray can be assumed to be
unobstructed with a clear 180
degree line of sight for the
length of the cupboard.
Customers are made
aware of the need not to
block the view of the
spray head through a
warning, engraved on
the face plate.
Adjacent to
When spray head is
mounted adjacent to a
doorway or other
opening, it can be
assumed that the
doorway will not be
blocked because access is
required through the
opening or that windows
are unlikely to be blocked.
The spray can be assumed to be
unobstructed for the width of
the doorway or opening. For
windows, the window can be
assumed to be unobstructed at
the (correct) mounting height of
the spray nozzle. The adjacent
opening must be within 30cm of
the centre of the spray head
Customers are made
aware after each service
that creating informal
partitions or blocking off
doorways requires an
Automist Smartscan
installer to reassess the
room layout and
possibly install
additional equipment.
Close to a
wall so that
only the wall
When the spray head is
mounted close to an
internal room corner, it
can be assumed that any
obstruction between the
spray head and the
corner limits the spray
head’s view only of the
wall behind the
obstruction, and not of a
major potential fire load.
The spray can be assumed to be
unobstructed on the side facing
the wall/corner. The maximum
distance between spray head
and room corner is 1.5m.
Above a
When the spray head is
mounted above a
worktop such as in a
kitchen, access to the
worktop ensures that
large obstructions will not
be present. Obstructions
on the worktop such as
coffee machines,
microwave ovens, drying
racks and fryers are
typically less than 35cm
The spray can be assumed
unobstructed for the length of
the worktop provided that the
nozzle is at least 40cm above
worktop but less than 140cm
above floor level.
Customers are made
aware after each service
that adding/changing
cupboards that might
obstruct the spray
requires an Automist
Smartscan installer to
reassess the room
layout and possibly
install additional
On a fire
place wall
Fire places, whether real
or unused, create a large
wall area “sterile” of tall
The spray can be assumed to be
unobstructed 1.5m to either side
of the fireplace enclosure.
Table 1: Summary of Preferred Positions.
Additional information and diagrams are provided in the following sections.
Where one or both sides of the spray pattern might be obstructed, either because a Preferred Position is
not available, or because the Preferred Position is only guaranteed free from obstruction in one direction,