Step 1
: Insert adjustable leg
with castor wheel into the
base of the ladder side frame.
Press down the braking
mechanism to lock the castor.
Step 2
: Fit a horizontal brace
onto the vertical tube of the
frame, resting on the first
horizontal tube. Ensure the
brace trigger is facing to the
outside of the tower.
Step 3
: Fit the normal side
frame to the brace hook
resting on the opposite
horizontal rung. Fit the
second horizontal brace to
the horizontal tube as shown.
Level the base of tower using
spirit level and make
adjustment to the adjustable
leg until there is no
inclination from vertical.
Step 4
: Place 4 rung frames &
secure them with frame clips.
Fit diagonal braces as
Step 5
: Locate stabilizers to
each corners as shown and
ensure it touches the ground.
Step 6
: Place hatch platform
as shown and ensure that the
hatch door opens outwards.
Step 7
: Using Through The
Trapdoor (3T) method,
position yourself in a sitting
position on the hatch
platform as shown and fit
4 horizontal braces, 2 on the
outside and 2 on the inside.
Step 8
: Fit 4 rung frames as
Step 9
: Place hatch platform
& fixed platform and fit
diagonal braces as shown.
Step 10
: Using 3T method, fit
4 horizontal braces as
NOTE: Repeat Step 6 to 8 until
desired platform height is
achieved and the follow
Step 9