Getting Started with the Eagle™
Getting Started with the
Figure 1 – The Eagle™ Recorders
Eagle recorders are easy-to-use, true RMS, micro-computer
based voltage, amperage and power recording device
produce accurate readings and professional reports.
recorders can help resolve customer voltage and power quality
complaints, record flicker, conduct long-term voltage and current
surveys, and detect voltage and current variations as brief as one
cycle. The Eagle will not disrupt or alter the normal power source
to which it is connected, as it uses a minimal amount of power
from one of the lines it is monitoring.
Each Eagle gathers and stores interval graph data, recording the
average, minimum, and maximum readings for a selected interval
with one-cycle resolution. Even events lasting less than one cycle
are revealed in ProVision
and WinScan reports if the
configured to capture the information. The Eagle also calculates
derivative power measurements such as power factor, phase
angle, reactive power, and others.
Getting Started with the
based voltage, amperage and power recording devices that
tomer voltage and power quality
term voltage and current
surveys, and detect voltage and current variations as brief as one
will not disrupt or alter the normal power source
d, as it uses a minimal amount of power
data, recording the
and maximum readings for a selected interval
less than one cycle
WinScan reports if the recorder is
also calculates
derivative power measurements such as power factor, phase