What the Eagle™ Records
remain the same even if the neutral is removed. This will prevent
the loose neutral trigger from firing. It is also possible for one leg
to rise and one to fall due to grossly different loading, and not from
an actual loose connection. Thus, it is possible for a loose neutral
to trigger falsely, when there is no loose connection.
Waveform Capture
Waveform capture provides the most detailed report possible: the
raw voltage and current waveforms themselves are recorded.
With clues provided by the waveform shapes, it is sometimes
possible to determine the cause of a voltage disturbance. Events
such as capacitors opening and closing, reclosers operating, and
lightning strikes can sometimes produce distinctive shapes. The
voltage waveforms also reveal the exact duration and magnitude
of an event, and how much was coupled across phases.
Figure 24 – Waveform Capture Edit Settings Window
Waveform capture is also useful during steady-state conditions.
The current wave shapes can show harmonic currents from non-
linear loads, and the voltage wave shapes show the distortion due
to harmonic currents and transformer loading. It takes a very