Instruction manual
S14-250 ver. 2020
3. Assembly and installation
3.1. Embedding the foundation tray in the runway
The sequence of the assembly operations is described in detail in this manual. The take-off board set is assembled for
transport and includes all the mentioned elements. Before first use the foundation tray (item 1) is to be embedded in the
track in the prescribed place, so that the take-off line
the edge of the white take-off board (item 3) which is closer to
the landing pit, is in the distance of:
3 m (for long jump) to the landing pit edge that is closer to the take-off line
the IAAF international
competition rules,
13 m (for men) and 11 m (for women) to the landing pit edge that is closer to the take-off line
the IAAF
international competition rules.
For any other competition, the distance shall be adjusted to competitors` level.
The installation point of the tray (item 1) of the take-off board is presented below.
Drawing 1. Installing the take-off board
general view
The long side edges (B) of the foundation tray are 13 mm lower, they should be covered by synthetic surface.
short side edges (A) are to be flash with the top surface of the synthetic surface.