Connect the earthing cable in the fuse box.
The earthing cable (green/yellow) will be necessary in case of certain accessories (Class I 230 V lighting).
Connect the phase and the zero point. Check whether the cables are locked properly by pulling them.
Connect the phase cable and the neutral cable to the terminals No. 16 and 17 (red “230 V” label). Install a connection block
on the
earthing cable (yellow/green) and place it in the control module.
It is obligatory to adhere to the recommendations regarding cable
colours. Install a connection block on the earthing cable (yellow/green)
and place it in the control module.
Close the control module housing.
4. Place the information sticker on the bottom of the control module cover.
Blue cable
Neutral (No. 17)
Red/brown/black cable
Green/yellow cable
Earthing (No. 16)