3.3 I Confi guring the sweep hose
The sweep hose must move slowly. To increase or reduce sweep hose movements:
Stop the booster pump.
Rotate the adjusti ng screw of the sweep hose to suit the needs.
To reduce movement
To increase movement
3.4 I Setti ng the thrust jet
The default setti ng diff ers depending on the cleaner:
P3900 Sport
The jet is located at the rear of the cleaner and thrusts the cleaner in a given directi on.
Depending on the cleaner's behaviour, this movement can be changed by adjusti ng the rear jet:
Robot behaviour
Rear jet
The cleaner is in contact with the bott om of
the pool and moves in a straight line
The cleaner "fl ies" around the pool and/or
does not make contact with the pool bott om.
The cleaner turns too far to the right
The cleaner turns too far to the left
When the cleaner reaches the walls, it doesn't
rise and change directi on