Phone Settings
Basic customizations on the phoneinclude changing the time and date format, setting the backlight intensity, changing
office hours and timeouts for Power Saving mode, and viewing and modifying security settings.
System Settings
You can make basic customizations to your phone’s system settings, including the time and date format, backlight
intensity, and Power Saving mode.
Change the Phone Display Language
You can change the language used for your phone's user interface.
1 Go to Menu > Settings > Basic > Preferences.
2 Select Language and select a language from the list.
Time and Date Display
The time and date display in the status bar.
When the phone can’t obtain a time and date, the time and date display flashes. If this happens, or if the time and date are
incorrect, contact your system administrator.
Change the Time and Date Format
Customize the time and date by choosing between several time and date formats, including options to display the day,
month, or year.
1 Go to Menu > Settings > Basic > Preferences.
2 Select Time and Date and choose one of the following options:
• Select Clock Date to change the date format.
• Select Clock Time to change the time format.
Disable the Time and Date Display
If desired, turn off the time and date display.
1 Go to Menu > Settings > Basic > Preferences.
2 Select Time and Date and select Disable.
Backlight Intensity and Timeout
Adjust the settings for the phone’s backlight illumination.
If desired, change settings for the following backlight components:
• Backlight Intensity: The brightness of the screen during phone activity and inactivity.
• Backlight Timeout: The number of seconds the phone is inactive before the backlight dims to its Backlight Idle
intensity. The backlight timeout period begins after your last activity, such as an incoming call.
Backlight Intensity includes the following settings you can choose from:
• Backlight On: The brightness of the screen when there’s activity.
• Backlight Idle: The brightness of the screen when there’s no activity.
• Maximum Intensity: The brightness scale that applies to both Backlight On and Backlight Idle intensities.