Adjustments Audio-Parameter
Audio Bitrate:
Select: 64,96,128,192,256,320,384 Kbps
Standard: 192 Kbps
Audio Format:
Select: Mpeg2, Mpeg2-AAC, Mpeg4-AAC
Standard: Mpeg2
Program info
Service name, Program name, Program number, EIT event:
Select additional channel informations.
The system creates automatically the default settings.
LCN, VCN, Video, Audio, PMT und PCR PID:
The system creates automatically the default settings.
The user has only to act, if the same PID
’s are in use.
Program output:
Program switched on
Program switched off
RF carrier still available.
Audio bitrate
*192 Kbps
Audio format
Program output
* Enable
Program output
* Disable