The self-adhesive skins do not require any
textile cleaning. The rubbing of the hair
against the snow produces an automatic
cleaning effect. With appropriate main-
tenance of the skins, the adhesive does
not require any cleaning either. If any dirt
were to be deposited on the adhesive
(leaves, wood), we recommend that you
remove it using tweezers.
Use of the protective film
For the sake of simplicity and ease of use,
the Safer Skin technology and the POMO-
CA adhesive have been designed to avoid
application of the protective film. To the
fold the cut skins following a climb or in
difficult conditions, classic folding (skin
folded over itself in three) is sufficient to
ensure optimum re-gluing the next time
you climb. When storing skins at the end
of the day, we recommend that you fold
them one against another so that the
entire glued surface is placed adhesive
against adhesive.
Useful life
The useful life of a POMOCA self-adhesive
skin depends on the frequency of use and
the quality of the hair. Nylon skins display
greater resistance to wear than mohair
skins, which are much more sensitive to
abrasion. RACE skins, for example, are
designed to optimize glide and their useful
life is estimated at between 50,000 and
100,000 meters.
The quality of the snow also has a ma-
jor impact on the useful life of the skin:
dry, powdery snow is preferable to hard,
or frozen snow. On hard snow, short de-
scents on the edges can also damage the
edges of the skins. This is particularly the
case on RACE skins.
Disposing of self-adhesive skins
POMOCA self-adhesive skins can be dis-
posed of in the same way as convention-
al waste in garbage cans. The protective
films are disposed of as plastic waste.
As part of a specific manufacturing pro-
cess, POMOCA skins are subjected to
strict quality control. Please only use PO-
MOCA products to treat POMOCA self-ad-
hesive skins. These products ensure easy
maintenance and do not present any
compatibility issues with the surfaces of
POMOCA skins and/or do not significant-
ly reduce their useful life or efficacy.
Directions for use
Several variables influence the adhesion
and detachment of POMOCA skins. These
include the condition of the bottom of the
ski, the wax used, the condition of the ad-
hesive and the external conditions, such
as temperature and humidity. The main
problems include difficulty or impossibility
to glue the skin to the ski or sudden de-
tachment. The quality adhesive used for
POMOCA skins helps reduce these prob-
lems as far as possible.
How to ensure good adhesion / removal
and avoid these problems?
− The bottom of the ski must be clean
(no adhesive residue, mud, grass,
etc.) and well maintained. Severe-
ly damaged ski bottoms (scratches)
which have not been maintained can
cause the adhesive to be transferred
to the ski and moisture to be retained
on the ski.
− Waxing the ski is important for good
maintenance of the underside. It helps
improve glide and control when turn-
ing. After using warm wax, remove ex-
cess wax using a scraper and brush
your ski. We recommend that you use
hydrocarbon paraffin waxes with no
− Waxes containing fluorine, Teflon,
graphite, silicone and other similar in-
gredients or those used for very cold
snow may damage the gluing of the
skin. We recommend that you make
moderate use of these or entrust the
waxing process to a specialist.
− Clean new brand skis thoroughly so
that any products used to manufac-
ture the skis or protect them during
transport and storage do not damage
the and/or affect the gluing process.
− Never leave your skis and/or skins out-
side in freezing temperatures. These