Proper Operation of the Log Splitter as per instruction labels on machine
1.) Load a log onto the splitter and against the wedge.
2.) Serious accidents can happen when other people are allowed inside the work zone. Keep
everyone else out of the work zone while operating control valve.
3.) Make sure hands are clear of crush hazard zones.
4.) Push control valve handle to bottom postion(FIRST SPLIT) to split logs.When wedge
into log, put the handle in middle position(SECOND SPLIT) to fast split log fully.
5.) Release control valve handle by two hands to return pusher to its original position.
6.) Clear the split wood from the work zone.
How to split log with slant surface
How to use the two speeds
Important: Before starting log splitter, Bleed screw should be
loosened by a few turns to make sure the air circulation
Important: Please don’t push the handle exceed 5seconds each time if the log
is hard to split, release handle and try again.