Operating Specifications
Working Envelope Diagram
Do’s and Don’ts
Primary Components 5
Operating Procedures (Incl. Emergency Operation)
Pre-operation checks
Normal Operation: Lift functions, Drive functions
Emergency Operation: Ground and Basket
Maintenance Procedures
Storage 14
Key Spare Parts
Electrical Circuit Diagram
Hydraulic Circuit Diagram
Warranty Terms
The Power Tower Nano SP is designed to be a simple, safe and
efficient self-propelled alternative to push-around platforms or
traditional scaffold tower or podium steps. It can be used for many
applications including construction and maintenance where the
convenience and efficiency of using a self-propelled platform is
preferred. The Nano SP is ideal for working on raised access flooring
or other delicate flooring due to its low overall weight and low point
The Nano SP is suitable for any application provided it is used within
its operating parameters and should always be used on flat, level and
hard surfaces such as concrete. If used for hazardous applications
such as shot-blasting, welding, paint spraying or with any other
hazardous materials, measures must be taken to ensure the Nano
SP does not become damaged in any way that may impair safety
or reliability. Additional protection for the operator will be required
in some cases, which is the responsibility of the operator and the
operators employer.
The purpose of this manual is to provide essential basic information
required to operate and carry out routine maintenance for the Nano
SP. It should be followed by anybody giving familiarisation training
for the Nano SP. We recommend any operator of the Nano SP should
also have had formal certificated training, such as IPAF category 3A, in
addition to Nano SP specific familiarisation.
This is not a workshop manual. Please contact the manufacturer or
their agent for specific operation or maintenance information if in
The health and safety of the operator or maintenance technician is
the responsibility of the individual and/or their employer and not
Power Towers Ltd.