Assuming ‘unidentified Records’
If the vehicle is driven without a valid driver logged in, the driving detail is associated with the
‘Unnassigned’ driver.
If driving in a vehicle when not logged in, the driver will see a visual warning on screen as well as an
audible alert, letting them know that a driver is not logged in to the system. Anyone who moves a
vehicle and exceeds the ELD mandated drive initiation speed of 5 MPH will generate unassigned
driving records, including yard personnel, mechanics, and drivers who forget to log in.
The ELD mandate requires that drivers logging in to the system be given an opportunity to accept
generated unassigned driving into their HOS records.
The next driver logging in to the MDT will be presented with the notification below that there are new
unidentified driving records on the MDT. He clicks ‘Next’ to see the records.
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