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1.  Unfold the solar panel kit and lay it out on the best angle and direction to catch maximum sun. For best results 

panel should face North (if North is not available, Northwest or Northeast are best options followed by Due East 
or Due West) and make sure the solar panel receives sunlight directly without any obstructions.  
For maximum charge chase sun during day, for most applications you would get by with following above 

2.  Connect the red clip on the positive pole of the 12 Volt battery, and the black one on the negative pole.


•  ”SUN” red light off: Solar panel is not connected or incorrectly connected, or sunshine not sufficient, so charging 

is inoperative.

•  ”SUN” red light blinking: Sunshine sufficient and battery being charged.
•  ”SUN” red light steady: Sunshine sufficient, battery full and charging completed.


1.  To keep your product in good condition, please don’t drop it or step on it.
2.  Keep surface of solar panel clean, this will improve conversion efficiency.


TechBrands by Electus Distribution Pty. Ltd.
320 Victoria Rd, Rydalmere
NSW 2116 Australia
Ph: 1300 738 555
Int’l: +61 2 8832 3200
Fax: 1300 738 500

Made in China
