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"Nominal values" tab gives an access to some nominal UPS numeric
settings: output power and voltage, number of phases, battery parameters,
power factor and input/output frequencies.
UPS Real Time Clock
This tab lets to control and change UPS internal clock and calendar
settings. The "Update from system" button serves for copying actual
computer time and date to the form.
With any tab, the user can read the informations from the UPS or from the file,
modify them and write back to the UPS.
The program operates (read / write operations) on the parameters which are
present on visible tab only.
UPS status and meters
This button opens the window containing four different tabs, as described below.
All of them (except of the last one called "UDBS Obj.history") use the
Idle read
to present actual UPS state and meters.
It means that the content of the "UPS status and meters" window is valid only when
the "Idle read" control is activated (green colour).
Otherwise, all the values in the window are not updated and becomes grey to
indicate inactive state.