Functional characteristics
MIG/MAG welding
Item No.: 099-004838-PRA01
Reset to factory settings
It is possible to reset all special parameters back to the factory settings.
Action Result
left right
Switch off the welding machine
Press and hold button
Switch on the welding machine
Switch welding machine off and back
on again to activate the changes
- -
Ramp time for wire creep (P1)
The wire creep begins with 1.0 m/min for 2 secs. Subsequently it is increased with a ramp function to 6.0
m/min. The ramp time can be set between two ranges.
Program "0", releasing the program block (P2)
The program P0 (Poti program) is blocked while shutting down with key switch. The operation is possible
only with P1...P15.
Display mode torch power control (P3)
The display of the torch power control shows program number or Up-Down setting in the normal
condition. It can be switched over to a blinking display. Then the program number and the welding type
(normal/pulse) are displayed alternately in the program operation. In Up-Down operation the Up-Down
settings and the Up-Down symbol are displayed alternately.
Program limit (P4)
The number of the absolute programs can be limited to above limit.
Special cycle in the operating modes special latched and non-latched (P5)
In the “normal” cycle of latched/non-latched the system starts with the start program Dvstart and
subsequently enters into the main program DV2.
In the “DV3 cycle” of latched/non-latched, the system starts with the start program Dvstart and
subsequently enters into the reduced main program DV3, remains there for the time T3 and then changes
automatically into the main program DV2. As a result an additional program is available in the cycle.
Enabling special JOBs SP1 to SP3 (P6)
This function is not available with machine control M3.71.
The JOB changeover is blocked if the key switch is in the “0” position.
This block can be cancelled for the special JOBs (SP1 - SP3).