RBK 815 Recumbent Cycle
Page 28
If a “stuck key” message is immediately displayed when the bicycle is powered
up, replace the upper PCA.
If a “stuck key” message is not displayed when the bicycle is powered up, replace
the display front panel. The display front panel is equipped with the keypad.
If you have performed all of the procedures above and have been unable to
correct the problem, call Precor customer service.
10. Access the diagnostics program per procedure 3.1. If the key(s) necessary to
access the diagnostic program is not functioning, skip to step 14.
Test the keypad per Procedure 3.1.
12. If all of the keys test good, the problem may be user error or a key function that is
normally disabled during a particular user program.
13. If one or more keys do not function correctly, either the keypad (display front
panel) or upper PCA could be defective. Replace the display and repeat step 11. If
the display front panel did not correct the problem, re-install the original display
front panel and replace the upper PCA.
14. If you have performed all of the procedures above and have been unable to
correct the problem, call Precor customer service.